Category: The union debates…

Let’s arm Europe against authoritarian excesses

Europe, the cradle of human rights, freedom and democracy, has always promoted its values far beyond its borders. The European Parliament, the Council of Europe and states all defend these universal principles and call on the countries of the world to respect them.
But today, our continent worries.

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Coronavirus: Europe must make history

Collective statement of the Renaissance Delegation in the European Parliament, published on 14 March 2020 in Le JDD

On 10 March, we  were informed that China was going to allow the export of 1 000 artificial respirators and tens of thousands of protective suits and masks to our Italian neighbours. Thus, there is nothing abnormal in the shared feeling that Europe is not doing enough and not quickly enough even though the Commission has released significant emergency aid.

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A “Green Deal” for the Union

To meet the challenge of climate change and ensure a fair and inclusive transition, Ursula Von der Leyen presented, on Wednesday 11 December, a Commission action plan to provide the Union with the necessary instruments to make Europe the first carbon neutral continent by 2050.

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Complete renovation

France is causing a scandal. Its partners are pointing it out. They have accused France of irresponsibility, ignorance and Gallo-centrism since its president opposed the opening of accession negotiations with Northern Macedonia and Albania.

How can we not see, they say, that Emmanuel Macron has obliged the Union to break its word, and it can no longer be believed? How can we fail to understand that he has weakened the pro-European democrats in the whole Balkans, that he has opened up the doors of these countries to the Russian, Turkish and Chinese powers, whose only dream is to weaken the Union; in one word: that he is more worried not to bring grist to Mrs Le Pen’s mills than putting the higher ideals of European unity first?

Because those accusations are serious, they deserve answers.

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Brexit, European Commission, Turkey: an overview at the beginning of the mandate

Europe and Great Britain have a new agreement: is it (finally) the end of the soap opera?

Probably yes, because there is one alternative left from the two possible endings. With a positive vote at the Commons on Saturday, nothing will stop Great Britain from leaving the Union at the set date. If the text is rejected, the British will go to the polling booths and Boris Johnson will have a good chance of winning, because apart from the Liberal Democrats and the Scottish separatists, who prefer staying in the European Union, his other opponents have nothing to offer except very confusing propositions. If I had to place a bet, I would bet that this is the end of the story, and it makes me sad because the Union without Great Britain is an amputated Union.

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Dear Readers,

welcome to this site.

It is not simply the webpage of the Member of the European Parliament, who I have become with great apprehension. Not of the journalist either, who I have been for half a century.

It is a wild ambition: I wanted to give a report on my work as an elected representative in Brussels and in Strasbourg, to continue to follow the evolution of world politics and to try to describe and decipher the stakes and the mysteries behind the scenes of the European institutions.

I wanted to create a multilingual site, to step across the borders that sometimes still separate us.

“Smithing makes the smith”, I hope you will bear with me.


Bernard Guetta


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