Speech at the debate on the next European Council meeting due on 21-22 March
You are the real power, not the only one, but the most decisive, by far. So speak the truth, because the situation demands it, from Ukraine to Gaza, the two major items on your agenda.
You, our heads of state and government, say that “nothing is off the table”, nothing, in our determination not to let aggression win in Ukraine. Don’t be scared to scare Putin. Make our 450 million fellow citizens see and understand that we are at war because this despot has declared war on us by wanting to redraw the borders of our continent in blood to reconstitute a fallen empire with the sword.
So tell them that – with or without the United States – we will not let this happen and tell them at the same time that the abject massacre of 7 October cannot justify these weeks of atrocious bombardments of a homeless population.
Be Europe. Make it heard and make us proud of our Union.