Saving the Democracy in Israel
On 27 March I hosted the conference “Saving the Democracy in Israel” in the European Parliament, organised jointly with JCall and Centre Communautaire Laïc Juif de Bruxelles (CCLJ David Susskind).
Read More29-03-2023
On 27 March I hosted the conference “Saving the Democracy in Israel” in the European Parliament, organised jointly with JCall and Centre Communautaire Laïc Juif de Bruxelles (CCLJ David Susskind).
Read More28-11-2019
30 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall, many doubts are voiced. Only 38 percent of Germans would consider that reunification was a success; do divisions still exist? Do the economic gaps between the former GDR and the rest of Germany, broadly speaking, reflect the image of a two-speed Europe?
Read More10-10-2019
Finally, I had the right to do it. I could not when I had been only a journalist, but as elected representative and politician, I finally had the right to give the advice to these militants that they asked for. “Could we, they asked, do as the Iranians did when they were shouting out their thirst for freedom into the night, standing in their windows and on the rooftops of their buildings?”
Read More01-10-2019
She was taken aback by my interest for her country. She could not imagine that a Frenchman could be curious to know more about Austria, and as I told her that I had lived in Vienna, known Kreisky and just written a book which delved into the question of the coalition between the political right and the extreme right Austrian Freedom Party (FPÖ), Claudia Gamon’s eyes widened with surprise.
Read More26-09-2019
The shyer of the two younger Bahraini took the plunge and explained, with a harrowing modesty, the 63-day-long hunger strike he did for his father in front of the London embassy of the small kingdom. His father, Hassan Mushaima, seventy-one years old, one of the principal figures of the opposition was thrown into prison after the Arab Spring of 2011. Ali, the son does not even demand the release of his father, it would be hopeless, he said. It would be totally in vain, the other two Bahraini added. No, Ali would like only that the royal family allow his father to be treated for cancer.
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welcome to this site.
It is not simply the webpage of the Member of the European Parliament, who I have become with great apprehension. Not of the journalist either, who I have been for half a century.
It is a wild ambition: I wanted to give a report on my work as an elected representative in Brussels and in Strasbourg, to continue to follow the evolution of world politics and to try to describe and decipher the stakes and the mysteries behind the scenes of the European institutions.
I wanted to create a multilingual site, to step across the borders that sometimes still separate us.
“Smithing makes the smith”, I hope you will bear with me.
Bernard Guetta
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European Parliament
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Perrine Andrzejewski
Tamás Kugyela
Michal Matlak
Victoria Zuza
Born on 28 January 1951 in Boulogne-Billancourt
Married, father of two children
Centre de formation des journalistes (CFJ), Paris
Journalist, field of expertise: geopolitics
Journalist at Le Monde 1979-1990; correspondent in Vienna, Warsaw, Washington
Moscow correspondent 1987-1990
Radio columnist at France Inter 1991-2018
Editor-in-chief of Expansion 1991-1993 and of the Nouvel Observateur 1996-1999
Former Editorial writer at L’Express, Le Temps, Libération
Writes in La Repubblica, Gazeta, and l’Espresso
Six prizes of journalism, including
Albert-Londres Prize 1981
Mumm Prize 1989 for the book Géopolitique
Patron Mai, Le Seuil, 1975
Eloge de la Tortue, Le Monde, Actualités, 1991
Pologne, with Philippe Barbey, Arthaud 1992
Géopolitique, L'Olivier, 1995
L'Europe fédérale, avec Philippe Labarde, Grasset, Collection : « Pour et Contre », 2002
Le Monde est mon métier : Le journaliste, les pouvoirs et la vérité, with Jean Lacouture, Grasset, 2007
L'an I des révolutions arabes : décembre 2010-janvier 2012, Belin, 2012
Intime Conviction. Comment je suis devenu européen, 2014
Dans l'Ivresse de l'histoire, Flammarion, 2017
L'Enquête hongroise (puis polonaise, italienne et autrichienne), Flammarion, 2019