Category: VERBATIM

What kind of Europe will we have after the elections?

Organised by the faculty “European Union, institutions and policies” of the National Conservatory of Arts and Crafts (Cnam) under the direction of Nicole Gnesotto, the goal of this round of conferences is to help to interpret the new interactions that are forming between the European Union and the process of economic globalisation. To respond to these concerns, we draw a portrait of a Europe which is undergoing profound changes, and we expose the challenges that it is facing, at a conference held on the 17th of October.

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Brexit: is the deadlock really broken?

The text of the agreement presented by chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier was approved by the European Council when it gave the green light to a new divorce agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union on Thursday, the 17th of October.

What happens next? Is this agreement going to be endorsed by the House of Commons? Debate at the BFM TV.

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Ukraine is the victim, but it also has some issues to resolve

The exchange of prisoners between Ukraine and Russia allows us to regain hope that this crisis can be resolved.

It seems that Mr Putin finally understood that he was bogged down in the Donbass as well as in Syria, that his economy needs peace and cooperation and that China is much bigger threat to his country than the European Union.

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Dear Readers,

welcome to this site.

It is not simply the webpage of the Member of the European Parliament, who I have become with great apprehension. Not of the journalist either, who I have been for half a century.

It is a wild ambition: I wanted to give a report on my work as an elected representative in Brussels and in Strasbourg, to continue to follow the evolution of world politics and to try to describe and decipher the stakes and the mysteries behind the scenes of the European institutions.

I wanted to create a multilingual site, to step across the borders that sometimes still separate us.

“Smithing makes the smith”, I hope you will bear with me.


Bernard Guetta


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